Introducing Rube Goldberg Machines Summer Camps
In a groundbreaking collaboration, Brains & Motion Education (BAM!) and Rube Goldberg, Inc. are thrilled to announce their partnership to offer an unparalleled summer camp experience for children aged 6 to 14 across various locations, including the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Boston, New York, Chicago, and other sites in the United States. This innovative program is designed to blend the thrill of summer adventure with enriching educational experiences, focusing on STEM, Arts, and Sports.

Rube Goldberg® Machines: Inventive Engineering + Sports Adventures
For Grades 3-5
Engineer machines that challenge the imagination and complete simple tasks with complexity and fun. Students will leverage innovative thinking and an understanding of basic physics principles to create whimsical and intricate machines, enhancing their problem-solving and engineering skills. Sports Adventures provides an afternoon of fun and teamwork as students sample popular sports and play exciting camp games.

Rube Goldberg® Machines: Over Engineering Simple Solutions
For grades 6-8
Engineer machines that challenge the imagination and complete simple tasks with complexity and fun. Students will leverage innovative thinking and an understanding of basic physics principles to create whimsical and intricate machines, enhancing their problem-solving and engineering skills.
Find a Rube Goldberg® Machines course near you!

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